Mexico Historical Society
Historical Society Books for Sale
Mexico Mother of Towns, E. Simpson ….............................................$30
20th Town in the 20th Century
Shumway,Farrell, Proud, Scott 1996 …………….....……............................$25
Historic Mexico, Shumway 2009 ..........................................................$18
Curse of Beauty (Life of Audrey Munson) James Bone 2016 ...........$25
Grips-Mexico in 1903............................................................................$15
Looking Back at Mexico, Shumway ..............................................…....$15
Voices In The Storm (The Blizzard of 1966), Jim Farfaglia............$17
School Days, 1976 .................................................................................$10
To place an order please call Jim at 315-963-7853
or send your request along with your check or
money order to:
Mexico Historical Society
P O Box 331
Mexico, NY 13114
Please add $5 for shipping. Tax included.